The iso-cursor is used to assist with aiming, particularly for ground-targets, as the circle at the bottom of the iso-cursor is where the player will target when attacking ground-targets. There are 9 types of weapons, each has its own pros and cons, these types include: short blade, long blade, short blunt, long blunt, spear, heavy, firearm, throwable or trap.

A shove does no damage but can knock zombies over, allowing the player to stomp the zombie's head. If unarmed, the player will perform a shove, knocking zombies back, which can also be performed with SPACE while a weapon is equipped. Clicking LMB will cause the player to attack. To attack accurately, the player can aim by holding CTRL or RMB, entering "combat mode", which changes the cursor to the "iso-cursor". The player can attack while unarmed or with an equipped weapon. Light-footed is leveled by moving at any speed while being undetected, and reduces the amount of noise made by the player when moving.
Project zomboid traits simulator windows#
The player character also gains XP in nimble by climbing fences and moving through windows undetected. The sneaking skill determines how well the character avoids detection. Using Sneak Mode will gain experience (XP) for the nimble and sneaking skills. This can be mitigated by attaching a sheet rope to climb in and out of buildings through windows. This can potentially break a leg or foot bone, becoming injured and in pain, severely reducing movement speed, taking a long time to heal. Climbing through windows without a floor on the other side will result in the player falling, and causing damage dependent on the distance fallen. The player can interact with the environment by pressing E to open doors and windows, or holding E to climb over obstacles such as windows and fences (includes tall fences). The player can also sprint by holding LALT, creating a lot of noise and increasing the chance of being spotted, while also rapidly exhausting the player. By holding the LSHIFT key, the player will jog while crouched or upright, making more noise than walking. Pressing C will toggle sneak mode, which further reduces noise and chance of being spotted. The default movement speed is walking, which makes relatively little noise. The players movement is controlled with W A S D keys.
Project zomboid traits simulator skin#
Skin color, and where the character is growing hair.The clothing which the character will start with, there is a variety of choices for color and the type of clothing (shirt, pants, etc).Random, this gives the player a character with random choices.This is the character's sex, either male (as shown here) or female, changing their body-type.This is what the player character looks like.Character Creation Explanation of numbers to the left.Īfter clicking the next button on the character builder, the player will be sent to this screen: